Last year, Harman introduced 35mm film photographers to Phoenix’ unique new take on colour. Now 120 photographers can enjoy this same rich palette, but with all the impeccable quality of…
Continue reading →Author: Nicole LD
Recently, I decided it might be a good idea to try Rollei Infrared 400 film with an actual IR filter while it’s nice and sunny out. That way, even with…
Continue reading →This is a question I am VERY interested in, because a camera you’d display is often different than one you’d choose as your regular shooter. Like cars, cameras can give…
Continue reading →I’d fallen out of love with using point & shoot cameras, not surprising since I’ve been shooting with an Olympus Stylus Epic since 1997 and a Konica Big Mini. Though…
Continue reading →The Konica Recorder is one I’ve always wanted to try. It’s another camera that caught my eye with its extreme good looks and unique design, but I hadn’t seen one…
Continue reading →I purchased the Braun SR2000 MD because I’m a total nerd. It’s essentially a “worthless” camera as far as the experts say, however I found it appealing because in one…
Continue reading →I’ve noticed that some of the older scuffed up cameras could use a little cosmetic snazzing up – though that’s not to say a brand new shiny camera wouldn’t look…
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