
Find useful information written by Beau Photo staff about everything from cleaning your sensor to tips for getting the best image from Impossible film. If there is a specific topic you would like to see us cover, send an e-mail to and we’ll see if we have some insight into your question. We also plan on adding some of the many articles we’ve written over the years in our monthly newsletters here, so check back once in a while to see what’s new…

Digital Photography

Sensor Cleaning

Cleaning Your Camera’s Sensor - Mike Mander - Introduction & Warnings Introduction & Warnings Originally published in 2005, updated in 2011, and now republished on the brand new Beau Photo...

Connectivity Troubleshooting Guide for both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 Cameras

Tether Tools was very kind to allow us to share this article on troubleshooting tethering problems that might arise: Few things are more frustrating than being ready to shoot, but getting…

Backups and When to Trust Hard Drives…

Who made up that title!? Trust hard drives? Ha! NEVER! Never, ever trust a single hard-drive to keep your data, your images or your documents secure. In fact, don’t even trust an…

Why Shoot Aperture Priority?

Since my first SLR film camera, a Minolta X700 purchased on a trip to Germany in 1984, I fell in love with the ease of control offered by shooting in…

Film and Darkroom


So you have the latest and greatest in digital technology, or maybe you are dreaming of getting the new Canon or Fujifilm body, but have you ever thought about going…

Toward a More Sustainable Darkroom

With the importance of trying to do things in a more sustainable way and lessen our impact on the earth, it might be time to look at our darkroom practices....

Experiments in Developing Film with Chocolate

Thinking about the environmental impact of my photographic practice led me to do some research on alternative developers. Caffenol (developer made with coffee) has been around for quite a while...

Basic Instructions for Pinhole Photography

If you are looking for something a little different to try out in your darkroom, now could be the perfect time to try making a pinhole camera. The sun is…

Lighting and Studio

A Few Words About Transmitters

First, what should you call them? Triggers, remotes, air remotes, radio remotes, transmitters, radio transmitters, transceivers? It really matters what functions they provide, but mostly they are all correct. The…

Demise of a Flashtube

Here at Beau Photo, we have many studio strobes to choose from in the Rental Department. From the economical Photogenic to the cream of the crop Profoto, they all have…

Inkjet Printing

Monitor to Print Matching

Monitor to Print Matching or... How to avoid “dark prints” - Mike Mander - Update (2017): Much of this is still relevant, despite the article being many years old now. Overly...

ICC Profiles, Printers and Papers

Update (2017): I plan on revising this article for this new website with some more current information and screenshots. Stay tuned… After covering monitor calibration in the last newsletter, I…