Lomochrome Purple XR 100-400 Film

If you interested in some alternative film options, we have the Lomochrome Purple in store currently in 35mm and 120 format. This is a fun film created by Lomography that is quite unique from any other film available today. It is meant to sort of emulate colour infrared film, though it is not really infrared and despite what the name suggest with “chrome” in its title, it is also not a slide film. It is in fact regular C-41 colour negative processing but it does change the colours of what you see in reality to something else entirely however. Green becomes purple, yellow becomes pink and blue becomes green – which makes this a really interesting film to shoot in the summer!

Which is exactly what I did again this year when I went home to Manitoba for a couple weeks. Not being able to do much else aside from hang out on the farm, I shot a roll of the Lomo Purple in my Rolleicord. Luckily the farm is about a million different shades of green and my Mom’s flowers offered up some other colours to play with as well. I have shot this film at a variety of speeds and this time I shot it at 200 iso. I had Rocket Repro develop and scan it for me just as is (no pushing or pulling necessary) and I think this was one of the best rolls I’ve done. By “best roll” I would say that means the speed I shot it at and the conditions/subject matter I shot brought out the best purple effect I have gotten so far, consistently, throughout the full roll. I have never managed to get the blue to green sky effect, but capturing a sky even at its most blue is not that easy anyway and in this case the sky was bright but slightly overcast so there was not much blue to work with. However, I was very excited about all the shades of purple and pinks that showed up on this roll and the overall effect of the film was great!

Every time Lomo makes this film it can be a bit different and you also have to take that into account when using it. If you really want to be more exact with your results you would shoot a roll and if you liked the results be sure to purchase more of the same year (same batch). The roll I shot would have been a year or two old and therefore not the most current batch, but from what I have seen and read, the most current batch is their best yet and the effect is much more prominent than previous years.

If you are thinking about trying out this film now is a great time while there is hopefully still a bit of summer left! It is available online and in store. See below for some of my images from this roll!


LomoChrome Purple ISO 100-400

Lomochrome Purple XR 100-400 136-36: $17.91 + tax

Lomochrome Purple XR 100-400 120: $17.91 + tax


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Beau Photo Supplies Inc.