Have you ever thought of scanning your own film? Do you enjoy the creativity of shooting with different emulsions, but would like to take your shots further? Maybe you’d enjoy doing some additional artistic digital editing of your analog shots, or perhaps you want high-res files for making larger digital prints? Are you now shooting digital but have a large archive of older film-based work you’d like to digitize? Well, you’ve come to the right place!
We stock Plustek 35mm film scanners at Beau Photo, specifically the OpticFilm 8200i Ai 35mm scanner. This is Plustek’s current top-of-the-line dedicated 35mm film scanner and it sells for $689. It features the higher end version of Lasersoft’s Silverfast Ai Studio scanning software, as well as an IT-8 colour calibration slide. Perfect for slides or negatives, B&W or colour, a dedicated film scanner like the 8200i Ai is going to do a much higher quality scan than a flatbed.
Note that we get a fair number of inquiries about used film scanners. If you were to buy a scanner to work through your film archive, it would likely be relatively easy to sell it again on consignment, once you are done with the project. If you’ve got some extra time on your hands and you’d like to find out more about scanning, feel free to call or email us about the 8200i Ai!