Above is just one image I took NE of The Painted Hills in Oregon, with my X-Pro2 and Fujifilm XF 100-400mm zoom, on the day of the great 2017 Solar Eclipse! This shot was just seconds after the end of totality and still shows the streamers of the corona beautifully. More to come once I get back, and I’ll also relate on what worked and what didn’t work on this trip…
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Harman Inkjet Paper
August 17, 2017
A while ago I decided I wanted to see my Impossible Project emulsion lifts printed larger on fine art inkjet paper. A friend of mine recommended Harman inkjet paper. Looking at Harman's inkjet paper sample book I noticed they had a great selection of paper surfaces...
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Introducing the NEW Nikon D850 DSLR!
August 24, 2017
The camera everyone has been waiting for! So what’s different about it? To start with…A BRAND NEW 45.7MP Backside Illuminated CMOS Sensor. This beautiful, huge sensor will be able to...