This week we hear from Zach on what he has in his dark room set up. Thanks for taking part, Zach! You can see some of what Zach has shot and processed on his Flickr page here:
What is your darkroom? A room, closet or bathroom? Please tell us a bit about it.
It’s a washroom. Not much added save a sign outside saying “light tight; no entry.”
What’s your process? Tell us a bit about your developing routine, especially if it’s tricky.
I use Rodinal, so it’s more a matter of math and timing. I sometimes use C-41 and Rodinal, so there’s a good bit of guesswork involved.
What is your all time favorite Film/Film developer combo?
PanF+ and Rodinal. Figures right? Such a super power duo.
What result/look does this give?
Soft haloing, really unique grain structure and perfect mid-tones. Nothing quite like it.
Have you or are you into any alternative processes, such as cyanotype?
Plenty. Dabbled in plenty, nothing fancy though.
What is the best processing tip you can give?
Always be prepared to make mistakes, and to use them as reference.