Creating Your Own Pinhole Camera – Tutorial

If you’ve ever wanted to create your own pinhole camera but weren’t sure just how to go about doing it, then we’ve got a new in-store tutorial that would be great for you! Perfect for teachers who would love to introduce pinhole cameras to their photography class, or any analog enthusiast looking to try out pinhole photography.

In this 90min (approx.) tutorial you will learn how to create your own pinhole camera with help from one of our informative staff members.  You can bring your own container to make a pinhole with or you can use one of the containers provided. We will take you through the step by step process of creating a pinhole camera so you end up with one to take home with you as well as teach you how to get the best results.

This tutorial takes place at the store and is a one-on-one session, this way you can book a time frame that works with your schedule! Open to any time during regular store hours, but please call ahead to book your time slot. You may book a tutorial session with a friend, however pricing is per person. Each session is $49.99 and includes all necessary materials such as: container/camera and other materials to make the camera, plus one sheet of photo paper loaded in to the camera. This way you will leave with a ready to go pinhole set up that you can try out right away!

**Please note that the tutorial does not include development of the photograph, however we will provide you with instructions for developing the photograph at home.**

Book your time now and be ready for World Wide Pinhole Day! The last Sunday in April has been dubbed World Wide Pinhole Day, where pinhole camera enthusiasts from around the world take part in shooting pinholes on that day and sharing with the photo community via Pinhole day this year is April 29th, 2018. Get ready now by perfecting your pinhole photography!

To book your tutorial please call Nicole at the store: 604-734-7771 or email

Pinhole photos below by Kathy Kinakin.


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Beau Photo Supplies Inc.