Fujinon XF 8mm f/3.5 R WR Sample Images
These images were all taken with Fujifilm’s new XF 8mm f/3.5 R WR ultra wide-angle lens (a preproduction sample), all shot on my 24MP X-Pro2 while on a trip to Victoria, BC. Note that a few shots have had perspective correction applied, most notably the shot of The Empress Hotel. However, on a number of shots, I simply ensured the camera was perfectly level or only needed to perform a very minor adjustment in post, to avoid the tilted perspective distortion, which a lens as wide as this can be very prone to if you are not careful. The downward tilted shot in the rose garden shows this dramatic perspective uncorrected. Hovering over a thumbnail will show a download link you can click on near the bottom right of the thumbnail image to open a much larger view in a new window or tab, 4000 pixels along the long edge in this case. Clicking on a thumbnail opens a larger image and exposure metadata will show below the larger image. Note that metadata and download links are only available with desktop browsers.
This is the sample gallery that goes with my review of the new 8mm here: Tested! Fujinon XF 8mm f/3.5 R WR
– Mike Mander, July 2023